Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A long overdue kickstart i needed


I have always loved writing. Started off since small,  with writing poems and riddles, and posted it up in school annual magazine, put up a team of friends and writes comic book when i was 9, and leading up to write short stories when i was around 11 to 12.

I continued to write a blog when i was around 17 or 18, with contents that revolved around my life of a new medical student. That writing did not last very long, given the amount of work load i have gotten my self into as a university student.

Longg after that, and now im a 32-year old mother of two in end of 2020, the year that we call the one with the pandemic. thinking as i put my infant to sleep, that i need to start writing again. I have many travel stories overdue, many more of parent-ship that i long to translate into words, its just that i dont have the time before, and of course, the power of procastinating within myself (mind u i have been on 5 months long maternity leave and on the very last days only i have jumped up to opening up my laptop and started to hit the keypads again) .

Most of my travel / experience stories may not be that vivid now but i will try to make it as informative as i could, if not for anyone to read it (if any , ever), for myself to read up later when i am old and hands too shaky to write anymore.

For introduction, i am a mother of a beautiful girl and a boy. A medical doctor, in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and have been practicing medicine for over 7 years now. Yet to finish my study for my papers to specialize in the field. Utmost passion is travelling, be it big or small adventures, im on it! Have many more to explore, many more to learn,  but along the way, let me put my thought in words, for me to remember, and hopefully tell .